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Western Michigan University Professional Category Management Certification (PCMC) - Test-Out Exam

Western Michigan University Professional Category Management Certification (PCMC) - Test-Out Exam

WMU Food Industry Research & Education

Regular price $ 74.50 Sale

The Professional Category Management Certification offered by WMU and LE is the only university-based category management certification program on the market today that offers industry professionals advanced category management skills and data analytics training..

What is WMU Professional Category Management Certification Test-Out Exam?

The WMU PCMC Test-Out Exam is an option for companies and teams with seasoned category management professionals to test-out and “jump” straight to the PCMC Final Exam without having to complete online learning modules or videos for PCMC Level 1 Certification.

How does the WMU PCMC Test-Out Exam work?

The test-out exam consists of 50 questions.

Learners taking the test-out exam must pass with a score of 80% or higher to be eligible to skip the learning modules and videos, and advance to the Final Exam to earn their certification. Click here to purchase the Final Exam after passing the Test-Out Exam.

Learners that score less than 80% on the test-out exam will receive a report that includes the areas and sections missed that they should focus on. They will need to complete the online modules and videos before taking the Final Exam to earn their certification. Click here to purchase the WMU PCMC program, which includes the online modules, videos, and final exam.